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Training practice

Our practice is a training practice. Our GP registrars are fully qualified doctors and already have a great deal of experience.

They are attached to our practice for six to twelve months. The registrars usually become General Practitioners after completing their training.

Video Recording

There will be times when our GP registrars need to make video recordings of their consultations for training purposes. Intimate physical examinations will not be recorded, and the camera will be switched off on request.

The tape is used for the purpose of assessment of the registrar, for research, learning and teaching purposes. The tape will only be seen by persons who have legal access to your medical records. The trainer is responsible for the security and confidentiality of the video recording.

Should the tape have to leave the practice premises, it will be sent by hand courier or registered post. The recordings will be seen inside the practice, but may need to be seen in another location by personnel appointed to assess the standards of our registrar.

The tape will be erased as soon as possible but definitely not later than one year after the recording was made. You may be asked when booking an appointment if you wish to partake in this.

We hope you will give your permission and be able to help.