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Urology Awareness Month

Urology Awareness Month is an annual campaign running in September to raise awareness of urology diseases.

Urology Awareness Month 2024

The theme of Urology Awareness Month 2024 is Men’s Urology Health Urology: Myths and Legends. From prostate cancer, testicular cancer and all urology cancers to bladder issues, erectile dysfunction and kidney stones, we’re urging males to recognise when something’s not right below the belt and ‘Be a legend’ – speak out to get help.

Support us this September!

Throughout the month we will be highlighting stats and facts on men’s urology health alongside launching new videos and resources, delivering webinars and health and well-being sessions, organising events and fundraising activities. There are lots of ways you can get involved and support the month.

Information packs are available highlighting how you might want to get involved:

Why not challenge yourself and raise money to support The Urology Foundation? Find out more here: