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Healthy Dudley

Supporting people of Dudley borough to make healthier choices

Visit the website at Home – Healthy Dudley

Dudley Public Health and Wellbeing is part of Dudley Council. Our purpose is to help residents, families and communities live longer, healthier and safer lives.

Our goals are:

  • To keep people well
  • To prevent ill health in people at high risk
  • To maximise the quality of life of people affected by ill health

We provide insight for all the family. We cover information to do with physical, emotional and mental health across all ages from early years to later life. We provide services to help you live well, such as free outdoor exercise classes and help to quit smoking.

We also have resources to share, from recipe ideas to later life planning and advice on coping with bereavement.

Our local support includes:

  • Starting well – healthy pregnancy, childhood and support with parenting
  • Living well – healthy living, health checks and coping with bereavement and cost of living
  • Ageing well – to keep you moving and socially connected in later years
  • Protecting your health – immunisations, seasonal wellbeing and more
  • Healthy communities – supporting local community groups, sharing ideas and what’s on in your area
  • Links to support and resources – support services, recipes and guides